
I'm back.

 It's been a while. After a couple of years of  casual Powerbi work, I've committed to an 8 month contract in the PeopleSoft space for a big Uni.   4 days per week. Hopefully its like riding a bike and it will all come back to me :) .  Contract work looks like an interesting proposition when the offer is to work remotely from home.   It seems like the demand for  this type of skill set is quite strong at present. 

February and all is well

 Just a short check in.  "retirement" has been awesome, I have much "Matt Time".   I hav settled into a routine of gym, housework, reading and shate trading, and hit a great milestone last week where my portfolio is now back into positive territory after a shaky start. The next couple of weeks will be spend expanding the share portfolio, very exciting.     Other than that, we have taken the caravan ot recently for a few days r&r at Elanda Point with friends, and continue to particpate in the local Speedway racing scene.   Maintaining the racecar is great fun , but can also be costly.  I have dialled back the spending on that until I have a plan for income to support this hobby.  Plan A is to generate some growth and income from the share portfolio, now that I have the available time to focus on manageing it.   Watch this space.

New year, new direction.

 Welcome readers to 2021.  I hope your Xmas break was excellent. Highlight for me a few days camping at Lake Cootharaba. What was yours?    I've successfully resisted taking up a similar position to my previous role.     I'm loving these summer days on the coast and having the time to look after myself.  I'm still share trading, although I haven't cracked the key to success there yet, but I'll persist.  I've been ticking off the types of activities I envisaged I would be doing with all this spare time and loving it.  This morning was pilates with my son at the local gym, followed by a swim and sunbake at home.  This afternoon I might read a book. I'm coming to learn how much we compromise on our quality of life whilst doing 9 -5.   My health has improved as I have the time to prepare decent meals , get enough exercise and rest.   I've been "shooting" a few animals on the property with my daughter's trusty Ni...

week 3

Three weeks away from work, and lovin it.  We took the caravan away for a few days this week to lake cootharaba.  See pic.  Other than that,   i've been trading a few shares, and catching up on jobs around the house that needed doing.   I've been going to the gym regularly which is good for the mind and body.    I'm thinking there's not much to be achieved before the new year, so relax time.  I'll be boiling a fruit cake tomorrow for Christmas, that should be interesting.  The fruit has been soaking in Bundaberg run for a few days.   Have a great Xmas break.  

Houston, we have separation....

 Houston, we have separation... I've now officially been away from work for 1 week.  My first week was great, but upon reflection, maybe I tried to do too much.    I was up early each day and catching up on jobs around the house that needed doing.   I kept myself very busy.    So now we are in week 2, and my plan for this week is to do less.  Relax, read, play with the racecar, but slow down .  We are a few weeks out from Christmas.  I'm planning to recreate my grandma's boiled pudding recipe for xmas day with the family.   These types of simple things have gone by the wayside in previous years due to being busy.   I've joined a local gym and  been attending every couple of days with my son.    This is a great outcome, to be able to spend time with my son on a regular , unrushed basis.    I have been trading stocks recently and looking to increase this.   This starts with self e...

It's the end of the world as we know it...

It's the end of the world as we know it.... Well it is for me anyway.  This is my last week at work.   Stepping off into the unknown after many many years of cubicle dwelling and working for the same employer.   It's funny, I feel I owe it to be as productive as possible in this last week.   Next week will be a whole new ball game. No work to think about, time to reflect and learn some new skills. So in that spirit, I plan to do some photography with my new found spare time.  Here's the first shot with my Digital SLR from the back veranda. Extra points if you know what type of bird this is. 

2 weeks to go.

2 weeks left until I finish up at work and embark on the next life adventure.   Well this is taking a long time...    Reminds me of the ancient saying  "This too shall pass".    I'm thinking about having the saying made into tattoo to remind me of the temporary nature of our existence.  I had a quick google for tattoos of this, and found it is quite  a common tattoo. Doh, and I thought I was special :( News from the world, COVID vaccines are looking very close to being released, and news from overseas countries of infection rates is horrendous.   1 million  new case in the U.S. in 6 days.  I was thinking last night that maybe 2/3rd's of my waking hours are spent thinking about work issues and trying to solve work needs.  Once I leave this behind, I'm going to have a lot more free thought time.  Time to be creative, time to learn, time to spend with family and friends, time to learn a new skill or dust off an old ...