New year, new direction.

 Welcome readers to 2021.  I hope your Xmas break was excellent. Highlight for me a few days camping at Lake Cootharaba. What was yours? 

  I've successfully resisted taking up a similar position to my previous role.     I'm loving these summer days on the coast and having the time to look after myself.  I'm still share trading, although I haven't cracked the key to success there yet, but I'll persist. 

I've been ticking off the types of activities I envisaged I would be doing with all this spare time and loving it.  This morning was pilates with my son at the local gym, followed by a swim and sunbake at home.  This afternoon I might read a book.

I'm coming to learn how much we compromise on our quality of life whilst doing 9 -5.   My health has improved as I have the time to prepare decent meals , get enough exercise and rest.  

I've been "shooting" a few animals on the property with my daughter's trusty Nikon SLR camera.  One day I'll understand how this thing works, but for now, here's a few shots.  My plan is to capture shots of all the animals I can on our little sanctuary and get a glossy book printed for our coffee table.  What's your favourite ?



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