
Showing posts from October, 2020

Dead man walking...

 Who loves 'The green mile'?  I do, great cast, production and script.    Why are we talking about this?  Well I'm in that weird position where I have given notice that I'm leaving my job, but am still required to be working for the next 5 or so weeks.   It reminded me of the 'dead man walking' phrase.  I described it to a colleague this week as like breaking up with your girlfriend and then having to live with her for the next 5 weeks.  I am fully expecting to be second guessing my decision many times from now on, and this is happening a bit, but as I think through it it still feels like the right thing to do.   I'm expecting it will take months before I can get past the work based thinking that dominates a lot of my waking hours.   things like " am I doing everything needed in a timely manner", " am I being considerate of my staff members"," am I doing to much / no enough",  "did I do a good job on that thing" etc. 

The Journey Awaits.

 Welcome to my journey.  Have you fantasized about leaving your job and wondered how that might work out for you?  Me too.  This is exciting right, stepping out of the comfort zone into the unknown?  This is a blog of what actually happens ( for me anyway) as I work through this big change.    Like any good story we better set the scene.  I'm Matt, 51 y/o Australian guy and have been working for the same good employer for about 16 years.    I've got a couple of grown up kids and a supportive wife, who has a good job.    For most of the last 25 years, I've been focused on providing for the family, but now as they are growing up, I need to peel back that responsibility and examine what makes me happy in life.   Lately work hasn't been doing that.   This week I gave formal notice of resignation to my boss.  We had been discussing it for a couple for weeks, but here we are.   There's a lot of stress involved in these types of decisions, second guessing and fear of the u